3D fatigue fracture modeling by isogeometric boundary element methods
Xuan Peng  1@  , Elena Atroshchenko  2@  , Pierre Kerfriden  1@  , Stephane Bordas  3@  
1 : Institute of Mechanics Materials and Advanced Manufacturing
Cardiff University, CF24 3AA -  United Kingdom
2 : Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Chile, Santiago, 8370448 -  Chile
3 : Faculté des Sciences, de la Technologie et de la Communication
Université du Luxembourg, L-1359 -  Luxembourg

The isogeometric boundary element method (IGABEM) based on NURBS is adopted to model fracture problem in 3D. The NURBS basis functions are used in both crack representation and physical quantity approximation. A stable quadrature scheme for singular integration is proposed to enhance the robustness of the method in dealing with highly distorted element. An algorithm is outlined and validated to be stable for fatigue crack growth, thanks to the smoothness not only in crack geometry but also in stress/SIFs solution brought by IGABEM.

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