Instructions for Authors and Abstract Submission

Authors willing to present their work at the conference are required to submit a short abstract. After acceptance by the reviewing team, authors are required to submit an extended abstract which, if accepted, will be published in the conference proceedings. The deadlines and submission procedures are detailed below.

Dates of the conference March 31st, April 1st, 2016
Deadline for the submission of short abstracts January 25th, 2016 NEW!
Notification of acceptance of short abstracts January 28th, 2016
Deadline for the submission of extended abstracts February 19th, 2016


Short abstract:

The short abstract is directly submitted through the submission system of

1. Create a submission account ("MY SPACE" tab on the left-hand side menu of the conference website or click here to create an account) and follow the instructions to activate it and log into the system.

Create Account

2. When you are logged in, go to MY SPACE>Submissions and click "submit an abstract"

submissionsSubmit an Abstract

3. Enter your proposed title, abstract (350 words max.) and a list of keywords (5 max.)

4. Click "next" to access the "authors" tab and enter the details of your coauthors and associated affiliations.

5. Click "next" to access the "File(s)" tab. No action is required here: Please do not supply any supplementary data, do not upload any file

6. Click "next" to access the "Overview" tab, and submit your abstract for reviewing. You will receive a confirmation email.

Our reviewing team may ask you to modify your submission. In this case, follow steps 2-6.


Extended abstract:

Upon acceptance of your short abstract, all authors will be asked to submit an extended abstract. This submission is mandatory for authors that wish to present at ACME 2016. You will be notified of the opening date of this second stage of submission.

1. Prepare your submission: use the conference template, available in word and latex format: 

The template margins must not be modified. Do not add any page numbering, headers or footers as this would interfere with our automatic proceedings generation. After writing your extended abstract, generate a PDF file. ONLY PDF FILES GENERATED BY THE AUTHORS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

2. Login, go to MY SPACE>Submissions and then click on "add the paper (+)" in the action column.

submit extended

3. Upload your PDF paper in step 3 of the submission process in the "Paper" section of the form (the two first steps should not be modified). Make sure to upload a PDF file, as the website automatic PDF conversion process can fail to render equations correctly. Do not supply any supplementary files.

upload paper


4. Click "next", check your submission and submit for final reviewing. You will receive a confirmation email.

Our reviewing team may ask you to modify your submission. In this case, follow steps 1-4.



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