An approach for dynamic analysis of stationary cracks using XFEM
Joaquin Navarro-Zafra  1, *@  , Jose Luis Curiel-Sosa  1@  , María Del Carmen Serna Moreno  2@  , Christophe Pinna  1@  , Juan Luis Martínez Vicente  2@  , Nurrasyidah Rohaizat  1@  , Behrooz Tafazzolimoghaddam  3@  
1 : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield
Sir Frederik Mappin Building, Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD -  United Kingdom
2 : E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales de Ciudad Real, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
Edificio Politécnico. Avda. Camilo José Cela s/n, Campus Universitario, 13071, Ciudad Real -  Spain
3 : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield
Sir Frederik Mappin Building, Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK -  United Kingdom
* : Corresponding author

A numerical implementation of the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is presented. The proposed approach solves the system of discrete equations using an explicit integration scheme and it is capable of addressing dynamic and static fracture mechanics problems. Special attention to the mass matrix construction is required in order to avoid instability issues such a null stable time increment. Hence, different mass lumping strategies are adopted for enriched elements. The in-house implementation of this approach, so-called X2FEM, is embedded in the main in-house FE platform called MULE. Numerical tests demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to provide an accurate calculation of static and dynamic stress intensity factors (SIFs) for different geometries and loading scenarios. Finally, in order to extend our point of view, an experimental analysis of a 10º off-axis carbon fibre laminate is carried out using Digital Image Correlation (DIC).

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