Fracture models for hydraulic fracturing stimulation: Comparison between Numerical method and an EPR-based method
1 : Reza Naseri-Karim-Vand
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Harrison Building Streatham Campus University of Exeter North Park Road Exeter UK EX4 4QF -
United Kingdom
2 : Akbar A. Javadi
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Harrison Building Streatham Campus University of Exeter North Park Road Exeter UK EX4 4QF -
United Kingdom
3 : Mohammed S. Hussain
* : Corresponding author
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Harrison Building Streatham Campus University of Exeter North Park Road Exeter UK EX4 4QF -
United Kingdom
In this paper, the behaviour of fractures and their effect on the stress state in a reservoir is investigated as one of the key factors to predict fractures evolution throughout the process. For the numerical modelling, an Extended Finite Element (XFEM Model) has been developed. Also, a model based on an EPR-based (data mining) method has been adopted to predict the fracture behaviour. The data collected from numerical simulations are used to train the EPR-based Models [1].