Efficient implementation of volume/surface average based multi-moment method
Mohammed Al-Mosallam  1, *@  , Kensuke Yokoi  1, *@  
1 : Cardiff School of Engineering / Cardiff University
Cardiff School of Engineering Cardiff University Queen's Buildings The Parade CARDIFF CF24 3AA Wales, UK. -  United Kingdom
* : Corresponding author

We investigate discretization strategies of the conservation equation in VSIAM3 (volume/surface integrated average based multi-moment method) through the droplet splashing on a superhydrophobic substrate. We find that the use of a less ocsillatory CIP-CSL (constrained interpolation profile-conservative semi-Lagrangian) method such as the CIP-CSLR (CIP-CSL with rational function) method improves the robustness of incompressible flow simulations using VSIAM3 and that numerical results are sensitive to discretization techniques of the divergence term in the conservation equation.

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