ACME-UK 2016 will be the ideal forum for exchanging ideas and establishing new research links. The conference will also give you the opportunity to visit Cardiff, the capital of Wales.
The Conference will focus on recent developments in the field of Computational Mechanics through a combination of keynote lectures, paper and poster sessions. Researchers from areas closely related to Computational Mechanics such as Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics are encouraged to participate in this conference.
Download the programme and further information: ACME Information/Programme

Previous editions of this Conference took place in Swansea (2015), Exeter (2014), Durham (2013), Manchester (2012), Heriot-Watt (2011), Southampton (2010), Nottingham (2009), Newcastle (2008), Glasgow (2007), Belfast (2006), Sheffield (2005), Cardiff (2004), Strathclyde (2003) and Swansea (2002).

The themes of the conference include (but are not limited to):